cara mengubah tamilan xp menjadi mac  

Mengubah Tampilan Windows XP menjadi Mac OS

Banyak sekali para pengguna XP yang penasaran, "Bagaimana sih cara mengubah tampilan XP saya menjadi seperti tampilan pada MAC?" Karena pasti mereka pernah melihat hal ini terjadi pada XP di komputer lain yang telah berubah menjadi "seperti" MAC. Yah gak ada salahnya dong menjadi "wannabe" haha... Berikut ada beberapa link untuk mendownload beberapa file yang anda perlukan untuk di install...

How to turn your ugly XP to wonderful MAC?

Actually it's so easy, but i spent so much time to search and search more on Google about how to turn my ugly XP into Mac OS. I've had so much trial and error until i found this link of download FlyakiteOSX. How to turn your ugly XP to wonderful Mac OS? Just download that flyakiteosx.exe files and then install it. If you're aware about your computer performance, you may do some configuration there about which one you need to install it or not. After you've installed it on your ugly XP, you'll find a wonderful Mac OS appearence.

And for more great style of MAC, you may download Winexpose too. Make sure that you've run this program and you may see beatiful MAC changing windows, when you push ALT+TAB, or move your cursor to some other side on the monitor.

Windows XP after installed FlyakiteOSX.
Try to press ALT+TAB after you installed it, and you'll get this viewing, more like MAC OS.
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